Digestive HealthDigestive health is a big focus when it comes to Chinese medicine. Everything from the development of blood to how your emotions are functioning are dependent on your digestion. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs help by regulating your digestion and strengthening the organs in charge of digestion. I had been a chronic sufferer of digestive problems for years until I started utilizing the principles of Chinese medicine such as acupuncture, herbs, and dietary changes (TCM Nutrition). If you suffer from ailments such as gas, bloating, acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, or IBS, try acupuncture and herbal therapy today and watch its essence work.
Emotional Health
Today so many suffer from emotional imbalances such as anxiety, grief, depression, and overthinking. Acupuncture is very beneficial in these areas as it has been proven to affect the Central Nervous System thus resulting in a homeostatic balance. Herbal therapy also does wonders by internally balancing the root imbalances that are manifesting in emotional manifestations. Both of these modalities have proven to come with the therapeutic benefits without most of the side effects of common prescribed drugs. Try acupuncture and herbal therapy today to get back on your road to an emotional balance.
Immune System BoostAcupuncture has been shown through studies to stimulate white and red blood cell production. Acupuncture and herbal therapy helps to strengthen the "Wei Qi" or "Protective Qi" which is the immune system. This is what helps to protect us from external invasions such as colds, flu's and seasonal allergies. With regular acupuncture and herbal therapy, your immune system can remain strong and protect you from unexpected pathogenic invasions.
PainPain is the number one reason that patients seek out acupuncture. Usually pain is the result of "Qi" blockage that is basically similar to a traffic jam. My job is to get to the root cause of the Qi blockage or traffic jam and get that traffic flowing which then results in pain relief. This is done through the application of acupuncture and herbal therapy which helps to break up the Qi blockage and also fix the disharmony causing the Qi blockage in the first place. Acupuncture is a great alternative to chronic use of pain killers for acute and chronic pain. Try acupuncture today if you are a sufferer of acute pain due to trauma or chronic pain conditions such as osteoarthritis, headaches, menstrual cramps, and low back ache.
InsomniaSleep is a natural process and rhythm of yin and yang within the body. Yin and Yang work together to keep balance within the body. Yang dominates in the day time which helps to keep us alert, keeps us warm and fuels our bodies throughout the day. Yang turns into Yin when night arrives with its cooling, quiet and nourishing nature. Yin helps us to settle down at night by slowing the body's activity to help us get into a relaxed and calm state to prepare for sleep. When the connection and rhythm between Yin and Yang is disrupted, this results in an imbalance between the two that manifest in insomnia. Acupuncture and herbal therapy are really great at restoring the imbalance (root cause) that is causing the insomnia which can help you get on your way to countless nights of good sleep.
Youth HealthChildren tend to be very vulnerable to common viruses, allergies, and illnesses. A great, gentle alternative for children are acupuncture, herbal therapy, tui na massage, and dietary changes which can all be great alternatives to helping keep the immune systems strong and reduce over use of antibiotics for common ailments. Some of the ailments that Chinese medicine can easily help with in kids are common colds, ear infections, allergies, eczema, and asthma. Children are the most cherished members of our society and caring for them is one of my top priorities.
Welcome to Natural Flow of Life Acupuncture and Herbs!
I am here to support you on your journey to better health. Through the holistic and alternative approaches of Chinese medicine, I address a range of acute and chronic conditions. My goal is to help you connect more deeply with your mind and body, empowering you to lead a healthier and happier life. Explore the benefits of acupuncture, herbal therapy, moxibustion, and more, and discover how these ancient practices can bring balance and healing to your life. Learn more about how I can assist you on your wellness journey. |
Phone: (720) 443-0316